Roku universal media server
Roku universal media server

roku universal media server

This driver controls the Roku family of media streaming devices.

roku universal media server

Check instructions for how to use the updated syntax. Version 2.24 Updated tag for "Launch By Name" command. Version 2.23 Adds additional tags to support ID11 Roku template. Version 2.21 Fixes an issue with Launch by Name command and resolves an issue with spamming prints in debugger. Fixes an issue of delayed input when returning to the home screen from certain Apps. Add TV Channel List, Power and Volume control. Version 2.11 fixes a problem selecting channels from fixed icons. Version 2.1 adds support for 'active app' variables, improves discovery performance, and supplements the tagging. Version 2.0 adds Multiple Devices and Selected Player Version 1.1 adds user programmable presets. Version 1.02 adds a direct IP address entry and Diagnostic Driver support.

roku universal media server

Version 1.01 makes it easier to send literal keystrokes to the driver for text entry. Please Note: System files using pre-2.0 versions of the driver will need to be reconfigured and are not able to be updated directly using the update button in Integration Designer It provides two-way control of the device by remote emulation and by giving channel lists and icons. This driver is for Roku Media Streaming Devices.

Roku universal media server